Doña Chooi was an inspiration with her energy and constant smile. I had the opportunity of going on a couple of outing with her and also savoring her wonderful cooking.
My condolences to the family and friends.
A truly remarkable woman has been called to serve in heaven!
We were blessed for many years with her friendship, unconditional love, and honesty.
Chooi was one of those rare human beings who would always lift your spirit, cheer you up, and would give you reason to go on in life.
Whether we were celebrating a holiday or simply a quick visit to say hi, Chooi was the soul of the party!
One of the most important lessons we received from Chooi was her courage and joy to live in health and in sickness. Even in her days at the hospice, she always found the strength to be happy and show her appreciation to everyone around her.
We will forever thank The Lord for giving us the opportunity to cross paths with Chooi, our friend who always gave us her heart and big smiles!
Chooi, we say to you: see you later, please help us all enjoy life to the fullest, as you taught us!
We will miss you!
Dios, tú que concedes el perdón de los pecados y quieres la salvación de los hombres,
imploramos tu clemencia en favor de todos nuestros amigos que partieron de este mundo.
Dales en tu reino la vida eterna.
She was like a grandma to me. She took care of me when I was at my lowest; taught me so much, and inspired me too. Always encouraging and loving to me.
This one time we were at Sun Wah and a man spoke to her in Cantonese. When they finished she turned to me and told me what he said, "he asked me if you were my granddaughter and I said yes!".
I have been lucky enough to have known Chooi Leong as long as I have been alive. She treated me with such care and love as a grandmother. I remember her house as warm and inviting, filled with people who enjoyed her company. I will always cherish the memories I have of her energy, her sing-song voice as she spoke to herself, and her sprightly laugh.
Her strength and optimism has and will continue to influence me. I am proud that I can say I have known her and that she has touched my life as she has so many others.
I always admired her positivity, generosity,
liveliness and lovely spirit. I always will remember the cooking group in Winnipeg.
I will keep her wonderful e-mails, and recorded messages in my phone. I will share with other friends a picture of her feet she sent; after, she finished her pedicure took a picture and wrote "I am ready to go to your cabin."
One thing that she promised me was that we will be living together after I retire and move to live in the East. I always will be missing the fun time planned with her, that still is in my future.