A fond farewell till we meet again, Walter. You have been a great friend to both of us for many years. We bowled at the R.A. Center, we golfed, and went to many New Year's Eve parties and celebrated birthdays galore. Always there to listen to us, through ups and downs. You will be greatly missed.
Our sympathy to Marge, Cheryl/Roger and family.
Sheryle and Fred
Sorry to hear the death of your father. Our thought is with you and your family.
Claire and Roger Faubert
Marjorie: Just calculated that it was 68 years since you, Walter and I were "students" at the Academy and we still have some pictures to prove it even one of you as a member of the Basketball team. Memories are so important and you and Walter are prominent in many of ours, remember dancing at the German Club? Walter will most certainly be remembered in our prayers. Hope you are well!! If you have a chance we`d love to catch up. Love and prayers to you and your family . John and Sheila
Marjorie, Cheryl and Roger,
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.
Take care of yourselves during this difficult time.
To Marjorie and family my deepest condolences on the passing of a great man. We had some great times playing golf at Hylands and the activities after the golf game. One of our highlights was our trip to Ireland to play golf at some of the finest golf courses in Ireland. Walt certainly, as usual, had a great time. Rest in Peace Walt.